Officer Friendly: Peter Kinnas

According to the Telegram & Gazette, Peter Kinnas, a 28 year old former police officer from Worcester, MA, was Facebook fired last summer for fraudulent Facebook posting. Allegedly, Mr. Kinnas started his shift one morning to find that the previous officer on duty had left his wife’s Facebook account open on the public computer, which Mr. Kinnas then posted messages from:

“On the woman’s Facebook wall he posted the update, “oops, I pooped my pants.” He also said another fellow officer’s toddler son showed more characteristics of maturity than the officer.

He said another officer looked sexy in his uniform and he wrote “sweet ass” as a response to a picture of Officer Mark Hester, the brother of Police Chief James Hester. On the Facebook wall of the girlfriend of another fellow officer, Mr. Kinnas posted that she, Mrs. Wnek and the wife of another officer should engage in a three-way sexual encounter.”

Mr. Kinnas appealed the town’s decision to fire him, but the state Civil Service Commission upheld the town’s decision.

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